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A member registered Sep 02, 2018

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Radio snippets would make it far more satisfying I think. It brings across the emotion in the voices, making the impact more real.

If you ever want to pursue this game commercially, I have a few professional voice actors who would love to jump on board (for a small fee). I could do writing for free, if needed.

If not, try getting friends to voice it! Make it a fun group project that strengthens bonds, about a game that covers exactly that :D 

You can't go wrong, either way.

Proud to say that I did it. Not proud to say how long it took me to realize that the previews showed where the pieces fit :P

Faithful interpretation of the theme!

Grappling mechanics are the video game equivalent of ice cream; always a good choice :P

There is a beautiful simplicity in this game. All people want to do is connect and you are the one who sacrifices the time to do it. Nothing more, nothing less. What would put a cherry on top of this concept is little scrambled audio files of what is going on between the people you are connecting! 

For example, if you connect 2 people that just want to talk you get a scrambled signal of like "hey, man! It's been too long" and then it cuts out. If you plan to expand the concept, that's where I'd take it! The reward is hearing glimpses of happiness you bring to these individuals.

I like it!

Big props to the background artist; it looks fantastic. The game was quite a trek, too! Much more game than I anticipated, which is good because initially I didn't understand that I could reflect fireballs. Once I got that, I had a "OOOOHH" moment and showed those green guys who's boss!

Great entry!

So glad you liked it! :D A lot of time was spent making it so it's great to know that people enjoy it!

I did it! I got through the game and brewed all the potions and elixirs (is there a difference between those?)

This game me similar vibes to old indie games from the 90's. Dink Smallwood and Mantra come to mind (obscure 90's mac OS indies...)

ayy, Castlevania 1 whip design :D

So, am I correct in assuming the enemies were connected health wise? When I killed one, both died. That is a pretty neat concept if so! Would work great in bullet hell games. It would be like: "as long as you hit anything, you're doing it!". It would keep difficulty consistent until all health of all enemies is drained. The more I think about it, the cooler the idea seems! 

Anyway. Good entry! It got my creative thoughts going, which is awesome! :D

Untitled Waterlab Thing is a Undoubtedly Wonderful Thing, indeed. Automated systems are always fun! Gotta get those numbers up! :D Great work in such a short time.

Very nice! This is about as faithful to the theme as I can imagine! Really enjoyable music and changing card backs between games is a wonderful touch.